Singing Guide: Vinyl Hearts

Singing Guide: Vinyl Hearts

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vinyl Hearts is an indie-pop duo consisting of husband and wife Keegan and Capri. Their music is characterized by their unique blend of acoustic and electronic sounds, catchy vocal melodies, and heartfelt lyrics. In this article, we will explore how you can learn to sing like Vinyl Hearts using practical tips and relevant Singing Carrots resources.

Vocal Technique

One of the most distinctive aspects of Vinyl Hearts' music is their use of vocal layering to create a lush, harmonious sound. To replicate this, it's important to develop your ability to sing in harmony with yourself or others. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training provides a fun and engaging way to improve your ear training skills and work on your harmony singing.

Another aspect of their technique is the use of falsetto vocals to create a dreamy, ethereal sound. Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test can help you to identify your falsetto range and work on developing that aspect of your voice.

Song Selection

To learn how to sing like Vinyl Hearts, it's important to study their songwriting and vocal style. Some of their most popular tracks include "Whispers," "Lost In The Woods," and "Blue." By analyzing these songs and paying attention to the unique elements of their vocal style, you can better understand how to incorporate these techniques into your own singing.

Practical Advice

In addition to technical aspects, it's also important to cultivate a strong performance style. Vinyl Hearts' vocal performances are characterized by a sense of intimacy and emotional vulnerability. To achieve this in your own singing, you may want to focus on connecting with the emotional content of the lyrics and developing your stage presence.

Singing Carrots' article on Singing With Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking provides some great advice on how to connect with the emotional content of a song and perform it in a compelling way.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots provides a variety of resources to help you learn to sing like Vinyl Hearts. Some of the most relevant resources include:

By incorporating these resources into your practice routine and studying Vinyl Hearts' music and vocal style, you can learn to sing like this talented duo and make their sound your own. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.